Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Truth Comes Out and Renovation of the Mind

Warning: I am going to share my true experience and it might sound more like a rant so please bare with me. Okay, so my original intention was to keep this pastry shop start-up progress as simple as possible without too many details because I admit that it sometimes get kinda boring to read. I was picturing that I could give off the impression that I've been extremely well composed all throughout and seriously know every single thing I'm doing but dammit, it's been real hard. That's the truth but surely it comes as no surprise to anyone unless you're a pro at this entrepreneurial game or you're just naturally gifted (hats off to all you business owners out there). It's been like running a marathon but you're no where close to the finish line but you have to keep running even though your legs feel like they're about to retire on you any moment. God, how I wish there was a car to just hitch a ride from. Then aside from forcing your legs to move against its own will, there's a crowd of people along the way each holding different signs but they're all essential for paving the path so you have to read each and address every one while you're running. No, you can't wait till next week to handle the issue. This is when I discovered that there really aren't enough hours in the day to complete the to-do list. Sometimes I get so absorbed that I don't realize which day of the week it is. Before I know it, we've been 2.5 months into renovation. Like what the what?!

I've come to realize that no amount of research can prepare you for becoming a business owner. It's helpful to be well versed in codes and regulations but when it really comes down to it, the best learning process is to just jump in. Hands on. Exactly like the kitchen. You can read all the recipes and procedures but you won't know how it looks until you whip out the mixer and start whisking. Learn to adapt to the climate changes. Not every day will be dry. Sometimes it'll be humid and that moisture is gonna mess with your macarons whether you like it or not. I'm still learning and trying to keep up with the pace of things but I tend to think that I've grown less naive and have gained a dose of realism. Sometimes things won't go the way you had planned and you'll have no other option but to revise the recipe. One way or another, it's about finding a method that works best for you.

So I hope this didn't sound as repulsive as I am imagining it did. It's been rather thrilling and I can really see every step being taken. This entire project is unfolding and I'm looking forward to see the outcome. Not only is the space being renovated on but who I am as a business owner as well. I'm learning about my capabilities and finding out where my limitations lay. Only one year has passed and this is just the beginning of a long adventure.

I'll try to be more diligent to my blog as Honeybee grows and hopefully can share some insight with the rest of you. If not, this could also serve as a record for me to look back on in the future and laugh at myself for being such a n00b. It's important to be able to admit faults and take things with a grain of salt. Criticism will always surround you and follow you wherever you go. Don't let it dissuade you though. There's a reason why you quit your steady day job. Never let the passion fade.

On that note, take a gander at my passion. What's a blog post without pictures, right?

Congratulations if you've made it this far. Thanks for taking the time to read my meanderings. I tried to be cohesive but it's late so gonna hit the sack now!