Monday, August 09, 2010

Bonne Anniversaire!

I turn a quarter century 25 today! Does it feel any different? Not exactly. I am still young at heart and I am still a glutton. Maybe my metabolism has slowed down another notch.

Only 10 more days until I fly out of New York to Paris on British Airways for my culinary endeavors, which leads to the spawning of this blog! I had originally thought of using Word Press but I think Blogspot/Blogger is more trendy? Anyhow, I still have yet to pack all my necessities into the suitcases. Just the thought of it nags at me and when I get nagged, I feel even less inclined to carry out the responsibility.

With that, I end the post with a picture of some madeleines I had baked last weekend for my coworkers as a farewell and appreciation treat. The recipe was taken from the Culinary Institute of America book.


  1. Happy Birthday My Dear. already bookmarked your blog. keep me updated about ur life in Paris ok?

  2. Wishing you well on your journey! And regardless of age, you'll always be sheepie.

  3. Thanks both! Hopefully I will have many photos to tell the story instead of my dull words :P
