Friday, August 27, 2010

A Week in the Land of Gastronomy

And I have not eaten a single pastry for the duration that I have set foot here. The one time that I had wanted to take a photo of pastries displayed at a window, I realized that I did not have my memory card in my camera. What the hey. So instead, I will just show my first home cooked meal. I don't consider instant noodles as home cooked so I didn't bother capturing that.

This is just rice noodle that has been stir fried in a wok with sliced red onions, scallion, sliced roast pork (called porc laque), garlic, soy sauce, oil, sugar, salt, and sesame oil. I think that was all I had put into it. It was made up on a whim with whatever ingredients I had at home.

I accidentally made too much so huzzah, I have enough for tomorrow's dinner as well! Then I ate half a petite mooncake as dessert. I hate the yolk.

So today, I ventured out and purchased the slip resistant kitchen shoes that were mandatory for classes. It came out to 25€, cheaper than I had anticipated! Then again, it was a no brand shoe so what can you expect? I just hope it will last.

According to the images provided by le Cordon Bleu, I saw shoes that had shoelaces. According to the sales rep at the store, shoes with shoelaces were not for the kitchen! Eh, so I had to get the Croc-like models. Here they are:

I feel like I'll look like a dork with these. Hopefully my pants will be long enough to cover them.

That concludes my boring entry in France. I'm hungry again so I'll munch on some shrimp chips now.


  1. Yummy! That noodle dish looks really good. Hope that you'll make that for me when I visit. :) The shoes don't look that dorky! They look quite comfy, very useful when you'll be standing up for hours on end in the kitchen! And don't worry, you'll be eating croissants like there's no tomorrow soon enough!

  2. You'll become an accomplished pastry and culinary chef! I see it already.

    Everyone in the kitchen have shoes like that. You're in good company.

  3. The most important detail is that they're non-slip and you won't fall and break your ass! Later you can look for a sexy pair of non-slip stilettos :P
