Sunday, September 26, 2010

Class Photos and Dark Cherries

Lesson 08: Gâteau Basque (Butter cake with Pastry Cream) and Crème Diplomate (Diplomat Cream). We made the Gâteau Basque during practical (thank goodness!). It's so nummy with the dark red cherries! No, I was not allergic to them if that causes any alarm among those who know of my food allergies. I didn't particularly like the taste of the Crème Diplomate. It had those candied fruits in it again. It also had golden raisins, which is somewhat acceptable but yeah I don't like chewy items in soft mushy food. Okay, I just don't like the taste of candied fruits in general.

Look, we learned a bit of plating with Raspberry and Apricot Coulis along with pistachios and fruit pieces for the Crème Diplomate. It was also drizzled with some Crème Anglaise (English Cream). The decoration sauce was tasty.

I ate more than half of my Gâteau Basque already now. Yes I am a fatty indeed! I always remind myself to bring my cakes downstairs to give it to the sushi people but I get lazy. It's odd how I don't mind running down to throw out the trash and come back up but I mind carrying a cake down. Maybe because I'd have to use people skills to socialize using my amateur French. "Bonjour. Je suis une étudiante chez Le Cordon Bleu. Souhaitez-vous quelque gâteau? J'ai trop beaucoup." And it'll end there as they stare at me like I'm a madwoman. Actually, perhaps I should start off asking if they speak Chinese.

Anyway, we also took class photos for the Basic Patisserie groups. Here shows Groups D, E, and F. I am in Group D. I look like a boy, I know. It's that darn hairnet and hat. I found that no one wore their hairnet for the photo. I have sacrificed my femininity for the sake of not having to put the hairnet on later for the demonstration class that was coming up.

I haven't done much walking around taking photos lately. Instead, I've been clothes shopping! I couldn't help myself. I had brought such casual clothes with me that I had forgotten that I'd be socializing here. I think it would be a little silly to be wearing jeans and a tee to the school dinner next week. Well, maybe some dude might but it looked like a nice restaurant so the least I can do is try to dress up a bit.

Anyhow, that's all for today. Another 8:30AM class tomorrow. I think I am getting adjusted to that now. If it was for work, probably not. haha. I will post up food photos in my next blog. Too lazy to grab them off the camera tonight. It's also very cold here but I am too cheap to turn on the heater. Meh!


  1. wow over three quarters of your class looks asian..

    and you're right, you do look like a boy

  2. Yes there are a ton of Asians in the school as they are in all the Le Cordon Bleu around the world. Thanks for confirming my boyish look, p.

  3. Regardless, you still look very cute.

    I hope we get to see pics of your new clothes! Also, do you get sushi in exchange of some goodies?
