Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Saint Honoré That Nearly Broke My Arm Off

Lesson 04: Choux Pastry. It's always so easy when watching Chefs demonstrate the method but when it's hands on for yourself, you realize that it's harder than it seems! Try beating and mixing a ball of dough into soft batter by hand. Then shortly after that, whip your own Chantilly Cream again by hand. Plenty of arm exercise in that lesson! I'll try to keep my blogs short and concise without too many boring details. So, here's some pictures to drool over!

Yes, I have realized that mine does not look as spectacular as Chef C's examples. I'll need some more practicing on piping skills. So many students burned themselves when dipping the choux into the cooked sugar syrup (I included). They warn you to be careful, otherwise, you'll get your finger cooked! Indeed, some students did cook parts of the hands. Minor though, luckily.

So I ended up piping too many balls of choux so I decided to put sandwich some ice cream in them. They made a nice after dinner dessert. Yum. So now I still have half the cake occupying my container which I will need for tomorrow's class. What do I do?! All my containers are used up. I seriously need mouths to eat these... because the next mouth I'm thinking of right now is the trash can's.

Another 8:30AM class coming up today. My classmate and I are the assistants for this week. I hope I won't screw up and forget some ingredient. Chef MOF could possibly be the instructor. Let's see how this will turn out. We will be making Chausson aux Pommes (Apple Turnovers) and Palmiers (Palms). Until then!


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I never knew what that was until I bought one at this Italian Bakery near work for a coworker's birthday. I said it like "saint HON NERR ROE" instead of the proper way.. so now that you know how to make it, i'll be more than glad to help you eat it =)

  2. ganbatte! pretty soon you will have achieved solar gauntlets! wait, wrong baking cartoon.

  3. well, we put on gloves when doing the dipping. coz if u get burn, you can just take off the glove instead of having the hot sugar stick to your finger and burn all the way.

  4. Oh, they didn't tell us about the gloves! They want us to man up and use our bare hands. :(

  5. you guys are really man up then...even when our chef did the demo, they put on gloves for safety reason. hahahaaha~ well, at least that's what i was shown for the croquembouche...but i forgot if we have gloves for st. honore. hahaa..

  6. haha no one wore gloves. Not even the chef. He just warned us to not get it on our fingers.

  7. My mouth is wide open! Give me some.

    I have some neosporin for you but think of the burn as your christening to the new goodie you're making.
